
Electrosmog an overview

Electrosmog can be divided into three categories

High frequency (radio)

Cellular antennas with 3G, 4G and 5G in your area, as well as cordless digital phones and wifi devices in the home can significantly pollute a home with electrosmog. 

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Alternating electric fields

Every cable radiates, even if no consumer is switched on. The right distance avoids exposure to electrosmog. Even a wall with sockets can radiate electrosmog and stress the body in bed.

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Alternating magnetic fields

Every electrical device and line emits alternating magnetic fields during operation. Overhead power lines or the railroad line can radiate strongly. Especially when it comes to the sleeping area, it is important that you are shown which devices need to be how far away from the bed. Often a whole apartment is exposed to electromagnetic fields because a cable of the power supply is laid too close to the house.

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Radio beams

High frequency

More and more data is being transmitted wirelessly. Data-hungry smartphones demand enough cellular antenna capacity to stream videos or work with a laptop on the train. Mobile operators are upgrading. 5G is being rolled out at a rapid pace and the number of radiation exposures is increasing.

Mobile communications

Not only the base station outside also radiates your own smartphone.

Digital radio

Digital radio is available nationwide. The transmitting station transmit over further distances. Elevated radiation levels may be detected near transmitters.


The number of WLAN routers as well as the transmission strength and their frequency have increased significantly. Virtually every apartment has a router that often transmits beyond the apartment boundary.

Radio relay

Connects cellular base stations to each other. All data traffic from all connected mobile devices is handled through it.

Alternating electric fields

Electric cables, which are under voltage, emit an alternating electric field. Depending on the grounding capability of the materials in contact, more or less leakage current is generated. Leakage current refers to alternating electric fields that do not flow through electric lines. Normally, these are discharged via the protective grounding, reinforcing bars, etc. However, leakage currents may also occur between the grounding points of the distribution network. And enter buildings via metal infrastructures such as gas or water pipes. These leakage currents can transfer to the body and affect it.

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Magnetic alternating fields

The alternating magnetic fields